Yes, well, I’m just now getting around to listening to the self-titled cd by Magic Magic, which came out towards the end of last year. But what can I say, I’ve been really busy with a lotta other, you know, important stuff. Happily, though, this mistake on my part in setting priorities has now been rectified. Which leads me to file the following report.

Magic Magic. Judging from the band’s Myspace page, many other listeners seem to think that Magic Magic sound like Arcade Fire; meanwhile, the band members themselves disagree. And I must admit that I wouldn’t have drawn that comparison either. But now that the connection’s been made I will say that the best of the nine tracks on this album, “Over Your Head,” “Talking Smoke,” and “Savage,” are good in the same way that Arcade Fire’s “Une Annee Sans Lumiere” is good, which is to say that they’re really excellent (and “Talking Smoke” is up on the Myspace page, by the way).

Instead, to my ear, the similarities are greater between Magic Magic and the French Kicks, who put out one of my absolute favorite albums of last year and who I think are one of the most underrated bands around. Similar vocal stylings, similar smart songwriting, and similar blends of what I’d guess you’d call indie rock and pop. The French Kicks covered a Lindsey Buckingham song on their most recent ep, and I can see Magic Magic doing the same.

And so, most definitely, Magic Magic’s is a very nice cd; my only regret is waiting so long to give it a spin. Don’t make the same mistakes as me, youngsters!